Welcome to the House of Sales online experience! Explore a world of choices as you navigate through our website, handpicking the perfect items to elevate your home. Whether you’re looking for cozy blankets or sleek kitchen gadgets, discover your essentials hassle-free.

Quality Packaging

Precision meets care!

Every product you choose undergoes meticulous testing and quality checks to ensure they meet the highest standards. Once verified, our expert team carefully packages each item, ensuring they are wrapped securely for their journey ahead.

Ready to Transit

Your treasures embark on their adventure!

Safely nestled in robust containers, your carefully packaged goods are entrusted to our reliable shipping partners. Our tracking system ensures real-time monitoring, guaranteeing their safety en route to your doorstep. Shipping takes around 5-7 days from the day of order.

Out for Delivery

The excitement builds!

With your items on the move, our efficient delivery network springs into action. From trucks to couriers, our team works tirelessly to swiftly bring your package closer, ensuring it reaches you at the earliest possible time. The order is delivered to your door step in 8-14 days from the day of order.

Delivered to Your Doorsteps

Your wait is over!

The moment arrives as our delivery personnel cheerfully approach your door, delivering your long-awaited package. With a smile, they hand over your House of Sales treasures, ensuring your satisfaction and the secure arrival of your carefully selected items.

Thank you for choosing House of Sales for your home essentials. We trust that our products will bring joy and sophistication to your living space. If you have any inquiries or require assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy shopping!